How to handle sibling fights with fun sibling activities

Parenting entails the process of nurturing a child from birth to becoming independent. The process is often challenging but can worsen if one has to raise more than one child at the same period. Children within the same age group often engage in fights that may be hard to understand. The arguments may involve personal temperaments, fighting for items like food and toys, what they see from the parents, and changing needs. Such occasions test the parenting ability as a poor choice of resolution may negatively affect their development. They must avoid being part of the fights but suggest methods to help the kids get along. So, what causes child rivalry and what parents can do to manage the situation?
Why do Kids Fight?
Kids often fight for obvious reasons that revolve around jealousy and greed to have what they do not have or things that belong to their siblings. Some factors include changing needs, special needs, anger, and parenting styles.

Growing needs of a child
It makes sense that children’s evolving wants, concerns, and identities would influence how they interacted with one another. For example, sometimes sick children or those with special needs are often victims or main suspects in the fights as they get extra attention from their parents, which creates enmity with the other kids. Therefore, they mistreat the sick child to compensate for the extra care they get from their parents.
View their parents as role models
Parents’ methods for resolving conflicts and issues serve as powerful models for children. This is because children will likely adopt the parenting style and conflict resolution method parents use. So, if parents are having constant quarrels in case of a disagreement means the children will also engage in fights when they disagree. Your children are prone to develop harmful behaviours if they watch you frequently yelling, slamming doors, and shouting when you’re upset.
Individual’s development stage
Between the age of one and six, it is possible to get two groups with different behaviours. The first group is toddlers, who focus on toys and anything that enlightens their moment but also look to emulate the parents’ moves. The second group is the preschool, from ages three to six, who start interacting with children outside their homes and gain self-independence and security. Toddlers will fight if they feel denied what they should have or if their items are taken away while pre-schoolers want fairness in every activity, and failure will likely cause trouble.
Kids temperament
A child’s behaviour and temper play a role in the rise of rivalry whenever they are raised together. For example, there are kids born aggressive, and any comment or action against them is a trigger. Similarly, some children are “naturally lovable” and often get extra attention from their parents. Such a situation will make the others dissociate with them or fight them to get similar attention. Parents must be wary of the situation and plan on what to do if they occur during the parenting process.
What to do when the fighting starts?
If children start fighting, parents must remain smart and intelligent in handling the situation. Every parent wants a peaceful house, but any unexpected move may create a more significant difference that may extend to later stages of their lives. Here are some ways to consider when getting involved:
Aim to stay out of the conflict unless there is a risk of serious injury.
The move is essential in creating a good example and avoiding wrong impressions between the kids. Kids must learn to face challenges head-on rather than seek help from a third party who was not involved at the onset. Parent intervention denies them the chance for self-reliance and creates overdependence on external aid. Similarly, a parent may mistakenly take sides while solving the situation creating further differences between the warring kids. Such a move will likely cause more problems as one will start a fight knowing help is always coming. If the parent must be involved, maybe to control lousy language, the kids must raise solutions as the parent guides the implementation process.
Parents should help the kids calm down before suggesting a solution.
Kids will understand better when they are calm rather than when feeling high on emotions, and it will not take too long. After relaxing, let them explain what happened before suggesting what should be done. This will discourage future fights having in mind that they might face disciplinary action or solve their problems.
Ensure no one emerges as the offender but guide your kids to understand the negatives of their actions.
The move creates fairness between them and encourages sharing and respect. In addition, it trains them with traits useful for future engagements, like listening skills. One can also train the children on activities they can perform together to avoid unending fights.
Sibling activities to stop fighting
Managing children’s rivalry may require setting house standards and engaging the kids in playful activities that work together. It starts with understanding every child and their unique needs as a parent. Parents practice by having particular time with each child, giving them random hugs, and avoiding unnecessary comparisons. The kids will feel equally loved and rarely quarrel to seek a parent’s attention. They can also set guiding rules and routines to be met by every child.
Playful Ways to Solve Sibling Rivalry:
Hide an object
Hide each child’s favourite toy and asks the kids to find them. Ensure one gets the other’s favourite (kid A must find kid B’s favourite toy and vice versa). Ultimately, they will have to redistribute the toys or throw them away. The game helps them learn to be fair in their interactions.
Silly Challenges
Any enjoyable task that would be enjoyed by everyone may be used, such as tossing socks off the bed or using a straw to blow ping pong balls off a table. Challenge both kids to play as a team against individual parents, assuring them that they will not win the game; in the end, ensure they win. Making their win trains them to embrace teamwork with the idea that it will make their work easier. They also appreciate the contributions of either person for their win thus appreciation.
Football Match
Controlling high-tempered children may be challenging unless they are made to operate within some rules. Involve the kids in setting their rules and punishments for breach. One rule for their football match is to avoid using their hand when the ball is in a field of play—followed by setting up a game like a football match and monitoring whether they will keep the rules. If they do, encourage them to observe the rules continuously. If one fails to honour the rules, let them settle the issue according to them. Solving issues alone will encourage self-reliance and responsibility when interacting.
“Who needs hugs?”
Children are always keen on how they are treated or react to a situation. Parents must ensure they understand every kid and face them separately at different times. Set some time to talk to a child and assure them of love and care. Embrace them with random hugs and train them to behave with other kids. Similarly, avoid identifying the offender while with others but instead treat both equally. Showing love and proactive handling of situations promote love between the revelling kids and better handling of issues.

The Takeaway
Children rivalry is common among kids which is why parenting is an essential process in a child’s development that requires careful focus for a successful upbringing. Sometimes parents may be forced into conflicts but must avoid taking sides or identifying the person who did wrong. Letting kids solve their conflicts is essential for self-development and should be encouraged. Try involving techniques like setting house rules to devising games that encourage kids to the corporation when playing. These actions can help reduce wrangles between the kids and raise them to be responsible adults.